If you’ve spent any time in the south, you know that cabbage is common to have on New Year’s Day. It is also in many recipes or as a side dish, usually in the form of slaw. As far as the south goes, when it comes to cabbage, cabbage rolls are a timeless classic. There are also many cultures where cabbage rolls are also common. You can find cabbage rolls in Asia and Europe. Cabbage seems to hold up well in all economies, climates, and seasons!
Growing up, I especially remember cabbage rolls at the beginning of the year. I looked forward to them then–and I still do! I have begun to enjoy sharing that tradition with my family. In fact, I love cabbage rolls so much I don’t save them for just once a year. I particularly enjoy cabbage rolls when it is cold outside in any capacity. Cabbage rolls are great for crisp fall weather and snuggle up winter months as well. It is also a go-to recipe whenever I want to introduce southern food to someone who may have never had it before.
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